Altumed Brand Development & Design Principles


Brand Development and Design Principles for Altumed


Altumed aspires to be the company that provides best-of-the-breed solutions and services that enable revenue cycle and billing software management to be integrated, real time and data driven. They have developed themselves as innovators, poised to take the lead in creating exemplar practice management systems. The company aims to revolutionize the means by which its clients collate their data, streamline the process and catapult productivity and efficiency to new heights. They deliver on the promises of customer retention, and providing satisfaction with easy to understand data.

The Challenge

The company was using outdated and obsolete technologies for customer attraction and retention. Our team also noticed that the company was using a chunky piece of software that was extensive in its scope. The design language was not unified. Incrementum’s team had to develop a complete software solution as well as develop brand and design principles for the company.

The Solution

The first and the foremost task was the development of Brand story for Altumed. In this phase our team developed brand arhcetypes, brand personas and mission and vision statements for the company. Then we developed the design principles of the company and also worked on design languages across the organization’s infrastructure. We setup the design sprints for Altumed as well as developed new design principles and languages. Our technical experts re-hauled the UI of the provider portal for Altumed. We are still continuously revamping the practice management system of Altumed to the latest UI trends.


Brand Story Development

We developed the brand archetypes and brand personas for enhanced customer retention and loyalty. Without a strong brand persona, the brand narrative lacks a focus. We also developed the mission and vision statement for Altumed that represented the philosophy and motive of the company.

Designing Principles and Language

We designed language across organization infrastructure as well as developed design principles. Earlier the design language was not unified. We used modern front end technology to design sprint setups.

Continuous Development

We continue to bring innovation through the design of new logo and revamping the practice management system of the company as well as develop mobile applications as per the latest UI trends. Our technical team monitors the feedback and makes changes where required for the smooth and effective functionality of the system. Moreover, the continuous innovation across provider portal and scheduler against the customer feedback greatly enhances the UX. Using our portal service the clients can view all the necessary information related to their practice.

Positive Impact Of Implementation

The new design principles and brand development was done using the modern front end technology that significantly increased the leads for Altumed.
Here is the list of the successful outcomes of New Design Principles and Brand Development

Powerful Brand Story

A brand narrative without a well-defined, recognizable, memorable, and compelling persona can become a series of disconnected adventures. Altumed newly developed brand archetypes and personas resulted in 35% increase in the conversion rate of the visitors.

Innovations fuel Growth

As Incrementum used modern front end technology to design new principles for Altumed, the significant increase in their leads was the result of innovative development of design principles and a unified design language across organization infrastructure.

Continuous Innovative Developmen

The strength of your brand will come from the strength of its agility to change as per the latest cutting edge technologies. We have enabled Altumed stay on top through continuous revamp of their practice management system and development of mobile applications. Their customers are happy and convey their feedback that are analyzed and necessary actions are taken.


The practice management software was one thing. We are really very happy how Incrmentum completely overhauled our marketing strategy through digital innovation. What’s more is their continuous involvement in the revamping of software and mobile apps for our customers. We are extremely happy with their services.

Shujaht Ali

Managing Partner, ALTUMED